Águas do Rio

Águas do Rio

Joining efforts to recover and protect the Atlantic Forest

Where the river waters are born

Located between the states of Paraná, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the Serra do Mar Ecological Corridor is the largest and best-preserved segment adjacent to the Atlantic Forest in Southeast Brazil. There is also the stretch between the Tinguá Biological Reserve and the Serra da Bocaina National Park, which presents the most critical rupture of this biome. This is the area where the Instituto Terra de Preservação Ambiental (ITPA) operates, playing a key role in the establishment of the Tinguá-Bocaina Biodiversity Corridor (CBTB). With 195 thousand hectares, the complete area covers nine municipalities in Rio de Janeiro: Vassouras, Miguel Pereira, Paty do Alferes, Barra do Piraí, Piraí, Paracambi, Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin, Mendes and Rio Claro. Today, this is the only home to several species, rich in biodiversity and home to the Guandu River basin, whose waters supply and generate energy for about 10 million people in the metropolitan region of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Although essential for the maintenance of life and environmental services, the area suffers from forest degradation, and its conservation and revitalization are urgent.

Focus of Action

Biome: Atlantic Forest
Region: Southeastern Brazil
Partner: Instituto Terra de Preservação Ambiental (ITPA)
Objective: Restoration of stretches of Atlantic Forest with a view to developing models capable of efficiently capturing and storing carbon in forest biomass, benefiting biodiversity and the climate.
Goal: 170 hectares of forest restoration with the planting of 283,390 native trees
Carbon sequestration (tCO2e): TBD
Carbon credits: 62,386

Socio-environmental impact

Properties: 1
Families/Producers benefited: 3 sapling producers People benefited: 20 directly and around 50 indirectly
Municipality: Miguel Pereira (RJ)
Population: 26,578

Where the river waters are born

An iniciative implemented by